The 6 Most Effective Ways To Prevent HIV Transmission

If you live with someone who has HIV or one of your family members or friends is diagnosed with HIV, you need to know ways to prevent the spread of HIV to protect yourself from HIV transmission.How do you protect yourself from HIV transmission?

Learn how HIV spreads

First of all, you must understand correctly how HIV is spread. There is a lot of misinformation about the spread of HIV, so it is important to learn it to protect yourself. HIV is transmitted when blood, breast milk, semen or vaginal fluids are infected by direct contact with wounds on the skin or open mucous membranes (such as the mouth, nose, vagina, rectum, opening of the penis). HIV can be transmitted through vaginal, oral or anal sex, as well as blood and contact between body fluids. This means you can kiss safely (as long as there are no sores or mouth ulcers, and you don't cause each other to hurt), touch, hug, and interact as usual safely with people who have HIV.Don't assume that someone who doesn't have symptoms certainly doesn't have HIV. People can have HIV several years before having AIDS, and infected people can transmit the virus.

Avoid alcohol and illegal drugsThe second thing you need to do is stop using alcohol and drugs. These substances influence your decisions and make you tend to make bad decisions or are in situations where you don't have full control over the decisions. Certain drugs, such as drugs via injections, can also cause you to get HIV with a higher exposure rate.

Do safe sexGet used to safe sex, namely by using condoms. If you have sex with someone who has HIV, it is important to have safe sex and regular HIV testing.

Talk to your partner about your sexual history. Knowing and understanding properly about the ins and outs of each of them is very helpful for you and your partner to prevent the risk of HIV transmission. You can use a combination of drugs (tenofovir and emtricitabine) every day to prevent HIV infection. This drug can reduce the risk of getting HIV. However, this drug is relatively expensive and you still need to get used to safe sex to keep risk low.

Never share needles or syringesNeedles and syringes easily carry HIV from one person to another. Never use drugs with needles and needles that are not from a doctor.

Avoid touching other people's blood and body fluidsYou never know who has HIV, because there is no stereotype and maybe they don't realize they are infected, so avoid touching other people's blood as much as possible and avoid direct contact with other body fluids that can spread HIV, especially if you have an open wound anywhere in your body. Body fluids that carry the HIV virus include:

Semen and preejaculation fluid
Vaginal fluid
Rectal mucus (natural anal lubricant)
Amniotic fluid, cerebrospindal fluid and synovial fluid (usually only exposed if you work in the medical field)

Take medical care if you are pregnant

All pregnant women will be offered a blood test for HIV as part of the obstetric examination. If not treated, HIV can be passed on from pregnant women to babies during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. HIV therapy during pregnancy reduces the risk of transmitting HIV to the baby.Equipping yourself with knowledge of HIV is the best way to prevent the risk of HIV transmission and help people around you with the treatment process of the disease. It can also help people with HIV to live healthy and safe lives.

The last step of prevention by using INSTI Hongkong HIV home Self Test kit is designed as a single-use HIV test kit that allows you to get results in the comfort of your home and at a time that works best for you. Sample, pour and read your results immediately. It’s that easy.


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