HIV / AIDS journey

The incubation period or latency period, is very dependent on the immune system of each person on average 5-10 years, during this period people do not show symptoms even though the number of HIV is increasing and T-4 cells are decreasing. The lower the number of T-4 cells, the more damaged the immune system functions. When the immune system is already in a bad condition, PLWHA will begin to show symptoms of AIDS.In short, the course of HIV / AIDS can be divided into 4 stages, namely:

First stage: HIVInfection begins with the entry of the HIV virus and is followed by serological changes when antibodies to the virus from negative change to positive. The time span since HIV enters the body until the antibody test for HIV becomes positive is called the period window. The window length of this period is between 1-3 months, some even last up to 6 months.

Second Stage: Asymptomatic (asymptomatic)Asymptomatic means that in the body's organs there is HIV but the body does not show symptoms. This situation can last an average of 5-10 years. The body fluids of people living with HIV who look healthy can transmit HIV to others.

Third Stage: Enlargement of the lymph nodesThis phase is characterized by permanent and even enlargement of lymph nodes (persistent generalized lymphadenopathy), not only appearing in one place and lasting more than one month.

Fourth Stage: AIDSThis situation is accompanied by various diseases, including constitutional diseases, neurological diseases and secondary infections (Pusdiknakes, 1997: 42).Symptoms of HIV and AIDSAccording to Pundiknakes (1997: 44) clinical symptoms at AIDS stage are:The main symptoms of HIV / AIDS

Fever is prolonged for more than three months
Chronic diarrhea more than one month over and over again
Weight loss of more than 10% in three months.Minor HIV / AIDS symptoms

Chronic cough for more than one month
Mouth and throat infections are caused by Candida Albikan fungus.
Swelling of lymph nodes that persist throughout the body
The appearance of recurrent shingles
Itchy patches throughout the bodyThe vast majority of HIV-infected individuals still do not show any symptoms (asymptomatic) which means that they do not experience certain symptoms or become ill from infection without experiencing certain symptoms or becoming ill from the infection. A small percentage experience AIDS, others experience mild symptoms, do not always suffer a fatal illness called ARC or Aids Related Complex (Waluya, 1999: 9). One WHO study shows several factors that influence the rapid development of AIDS, namely:

The older a person has HIV, the faster he will get to the HIV stage
Babies will be infected with HIV will reach the stage of AIDS
People who have had minor symptoms when they start HIV infection (seroconversion), will show AIDS symptoms faster than those without symptoms.

Diagnosis of HIV / AIDSIn the WHO guidelines on how to diagnose AIDS, it is said that a person is diagnosed as not having at least two main symptoms and one minor symptom and if there is no other reason for that in causing the immune system to decline.But an HIV positive diagnosis must be first tested by conducting an HIV antibody test in a laboratory. HIV positive results indicate that someone has been infected with HIV. HIV negative results indicate that a person is not or has not been infected with HIV. In addition to blood, an HIV test can be done on saliva or urine (not on the person). So an HIV test can and must be on the blood, body organs or tissues of the body, egg or sperm cells that will and the laboratory already has special HIV testing equipment. Some NGOs also have test services accompanied by counseling.

Treatment of AIDS.Until now there is no cure or perfect treatment for AIDS. The purpose of this treatment is to prolong the life of a person living with HIV for 1-2 years. Anti-retrovial drugs such as Azidotinidine (AZT) were first permitted to be used as medicine in Indonesia in 1997. Another anti-retrovial drug known as didanosin (ddI) and diodicitosin (ddC).A combination of drugs has been developed starting from a mixture of two types of drugs, to concocting several types. Some types of these herbs are Saquinavir, Indinavir, Viracept, Ritanavir. Supportive therapy is also developed, namely therapy without chemical drugs, which aims to improve the quality of life and keep yourself healthy. This therapy can be used to supplement the use of anti-retroviral drugs.Supporting therapies include the use of traditional ingredients, herbs, regulating nutrition in food, use of vitamins, supplementary foods, as well as yoga, acupuncture, massage, sports and music therapy. But it turns out that this treatment is also less effective, so that the right HIV / AIDS treatment is not yet found.

How to prevent HIV

Avoid sex
Use condoms when having sex
Avoid using syringes or piercing needles in turnAccording to the, to make it easier to remember, it is better to use the ABCDE formula, namely A (Abtinence) meaning, not to have sex before marriage. B (Befaithfull) means, having sex only with a legitimate partner. C (Condom) means, use a condom if one of the legitimate partners has a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or HIV / AIDS. D (Drugs) means, avoid injecting drug use. And E (Equipment) means, ask for health services with sterile equipment.


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